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The fee for participation with article:200 LEI |
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The participation with article for students is free. |
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The participation fee can be paid at the INCAS headquarters in the very day of the conference: 200 LEI or by bank transfer, mentioning for: “AEROSPATIAL 2020” (see below) |
Others fees: |
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The authors who pay the above mentioned fee can participate in the conference with a single paper. |
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For the second paper presented in the conference by the same author (as first author), the fee is 50 LEI. |
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The fee for participation with article also includes all the materials related to the conference (the Program, the Book of Abstracts). |
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For the Romanian authors the payment should be done in LEI for the foreign participants, please make the payment in Euro / Dolar. The three accounts are: |
The three accounts are:
The address of the BCR Bank:
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The papers that are accepted will be included in a volume (Printed Conference Proceedings "AEROSPATIAL 2020"). The papers shall be sent to the nebancea.elena@incas.ro , in electronic form (MS Word and PDF). |
The page setup shall be as follows: top-2 cm, bottom-2 cm, left-2 cm, right-2 cm, A4 format. The papers should not exceed 12 pages, font Times New Roman 11, single spacing, without diacritics, without page numbering. |
The papers accepted for the conference "AEROSPATIAL 2020" shall be written in English. |
The Conference printed version will include only the items presented at the conference and having a favourable review. |
We inform you that for Proceedings the following codes were obtained from the ISSN National Center: (Print) ISSN 2067-8614, ISSN-L 2067-8614 |
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Selected papers will be published in a Regular issues, of the scientific journal INCAS BULLETIN: (Print) ISSN 2066–8201, (Online) ISSN 2247–4528, ISSN–L 2066–8201, DOI: 10.13111/2066–8201. Deadline: 23.10.2020 |
INCAS BULLETIN is "Open Access" (OA). |
INCAS BULLETIN is indexed in SCOPUS and International Databases (BDI): Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Index Copernicus™ - Journals Master List, Crossref, ProQuest, EBSCOhost, Academic Journals Database, SCIPIO - Romanian Editorial Platform, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI-SCHOLAR), SHERPA/ROMEO, WorldCat, J-Gate. |